When are scheduled payments processed?
Scheduled payments are processed at 8:00 AM PT the morning of the date they are scheduled. Renters can cancel or edit upcoming scheduled payments any time before 6:00 AM PT on the day scheduled.
How many scheduled payments can I set?
There is no limit. However, if your landlord doesn’t allow for partial payments, you will only be able to submit a payment for the full amount if your account shows a balance due.
If there is no balance, is a payment made?
What happens if a scheduled payment fails?
Renters will receive a notification of the failure. We will not reattempt the payment.
Will rent be automatically deducted from my payment method?
All users must submit their payment manually or initiate scheduled payment. PayRent never processes a transaction without permission from the renter.
Will I get a reminder for my scheduled payment?
Yes. 3 days before the transaction is processed.
What happens if a scheduled payment expires?
You will receive an email notification of the expiration.