Renter Getting Started

Can I use PayRent to pay my landlord?
Only landlords who have signed up for the platform will accept payments from PayRent. If your landlord doesn’t have an account, we’d love for you to please ...
Wed, 5 Feb, 2020 at 12:49 PM
How much does it cost to pay my rent with PayRent?
Bank transfer costs for using can vary depending on the service plan and settings of your landlord. Please refer to your emailed  PayRent invita...
Fri, 18 Dec, 2020 at 7:42 PM
How do I validate my email?
Once you have completed the registration form, you’ll be asked to validate your email. A six-digit code will be sent to the email address that you signed up...
Fri, 18 Dec, 2020 at 7:52 PM
How can I link my account to my address?
If you’ve already created a tenant account but haven’t been linked to a property, simply ask your landlord to send you an invite using the email associated ...
Fri, 30 Jul, 2021 at 4:21 PM
RentCred- Program Features and FAQ's
Program Features Rent Reporting PayRent provides renters with an opportunity to build credit by reporting positive rent payment history to all three ...
Tue, 5 Oct, 2021 at 7:07 PM